03 December 2013


I'm excited for next year.  I think I'll be running my first TRAIL 50 miler, and a bunch of races I haven't run yet, along with a couple that I have in hopes of a fast time.

I'm planning on John Dick 50k, Ice Age 50k, Dances with Dirt 50k, Marquette Trail 50k...and then it gets interesting.  I'm guessing my fall will include the Lapham Peak Marathon and the North Face 50 miler, followed by the Glacial Trail 50k.

If Lapham and North Face are too close together, then I'm guessing that Glacial will be my 50 miler.  I'm excited to pick the brains of several friends who have run them (Matt, Dan) and figure out what the heck I'm getting myself in to.

I'm really excited for Marquette, also.  Looks like an amazing course.  Again, Matt will come in handy, as there doesn't seem to be much available on the web about the new course.

Time to put in some cold weather, snowy, slow-pace-but-high-heart-rate, grind-it-out, FUN miles!  Looking forward to it!


nikki said...

that sound awesome! i'm looking at the ice age 50K as my first and i'm doing the trailbreaker marathon as my first marathon. i love reading all the race recaps i can get my hands on for the races i wish to do because they help me decide if i will love them or not.

nwgdc said...

If you haven't seen them yet, check out the right column and click on any links in the "26.2 and Beyond" area and read away Trail breaker is an interesting race!

Matt said...

Marquette is tough! I had no idea what I was getting into but now that I know I really want to give it another shot at some point and improve my time. It's got a little of everything - there are some easy stretches where you can really push it but there are also really technical rocky and rooty sections and then there are those spots where you are crawling and climbing up rockface. It's awesome!