03 June 2021

Sinawa 6 Hour


Escape to Camp Sinawa!

That’s what I did on May 15th, at the first annual Camp Sinawa 6 Hour.  There were trail running events on Saturday and mountain biking on Sunday, and it was a great weekend!  Jason Schneider and his family of St. Nazianz has spearheaded a trail building effort in the land to the west of Camp Sinawa Road, and the efforts have resulted in some amazing single track trails that have a mix of soft pine needles, rugged rocks and roots, and plenty of elevation change. 

I participated in the 6 Hour run and had a great time…for the most part.  Doing anything for 6 hours is probably going to cause some low moments, and for me those came on the 2nd last of the 7 loops I completed.  I wanted to be ‘done.’  I ended up finishing the loop with about 70 minutes left in the event.

And I didn’t sign up for the “Sinawa 5 Hours and 50 Minutes”.  So, out I went for one more of the 5 mile loops.  My pace was the slowest on the 7th loop but that also allowed me to really take in the nature of the trails.  Oddly enough, I noticed parts of the woods that I hadn’t noticed in the previous loops, and the slower pace seemed to help my stomach and my legs recover a bit. 

I finished the 7th loop with 9 minutes left in the event, and at that point, when asked if I wanted to run another mile, the answer was an immediate ‘Nope!’, and I sat down.

I highly encourage you to wander around a bit out at Camp Sinawa sometime soon!  The trail system will continue to grow, and the things you will notice out there throughout the seasons will grow as well.

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