25 March 2013

GoGo Eats His Own Toots.

The title of this post is a quote from my son. He's working on his words but gets hung up on the "P" sound. So, Parsenn (our dog), who we call ParPar, has been changed to "GoGo." And, for some odd reason, Parsenn occasionally eats his own poop. Hence, when Edwin looked outside this morning, he said "GoGo eats his own toots." I love kids.

Monday -- Dog Jog at night, in the snow (more snow...), dodging the plow trucks.  30 minutes.  Quads still sore.

Tuesday -- I got up to play basketball, only to get to the gym and find out hoops was cancelled.  So, I got stuff done at the office and planned on some exercise at night.  I managed a 30 minute dogjog and 30 minutes on the Elliptical.

Wednesday -- 1 hour of basketball.  Lost in the Championship game by 20.  Were down 12 less than two minutes in...on 4 straight 3 pointers.  Drowned our sorrows in beer postgame.

Thursday -- 5 easy miles in the morning.  Kickboxing with Ellie that night.  Wow...almost puked.  Quads, calves, triceps, pecs...deltoids...everything was sore.  I want to go back.

Friday -- Easy dogjog at night. I was still incredibly sore from Kickboxing.

Saturday -- 10 miles, Greenbush Roads. I found a hilly loop and took it easy. The downhills were brutal. Still recovering from Thursday night.

Sunday -- nothing. I decided to not squeeze in a run between a busy family day and my still-really-sore quads.

Truly AMAZING Video...

Couple of Pictures from the week that was...the first is of the kids motoring around our basement, and the second is the sunrise on my road. While I'm definitely ready for spring, these moments aren't too bad.

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