26 July 2010


Tummy Time
I'm good at burping...as you can see.
Edwin's Baptism


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

ZOMG, Nic, are you running for an open congressional seat in WI? Because you hit all the iconic requirements in that last pic - red power tie, baby, trophy wife, American flag in the background, religion (in the form of a baby baptism), neo-Nazi buzzcut ...

All you need is a sex scandal to have the complete package.

Which maybe you already have because how do we know - I mean really know - if that's baby vomit on you in that second picture? How can we be sure that's not bio-residua from your supposedly abortive encounter with Jeep man?

Could Dr. Nic's stained red shirt become as famous as Clinton's stained blue dress?

For God's sake, Nic, get that shirt dry-cleaned before Linda Tripp gets a hold of it.


Still, I'd vote for you!

SteveQ said...

G's pretty much said it all (and this is the only time he and "pretty" will ever appear in my comments)!

Nice to see you started E. wearing dresses at his baptism; he'll need time to get used to them.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Awwww ... SteveQ done called me purdy!

Perhaps I'll be his sex scandal ...

joyRuN said...

WHERE is your burp cloth?!

Maybe one of those arm warmers would function beautifully as a burp cloth.

Helen said...

Great pics! sounds like things are going great.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Hey, know what I like about the Intertubes? You can read about a guy f*cking up a blog post - you know, like accidentally deleting one? Then writing a shorter one telling you how he accidentally deleted the first one? Then saying he'd "try again tomorrow"? Then uploading that post on June 30? Then deleting that one for some reason possibly having to do with this line: "I admire one specific [stud] named Glaven"? And then the blogger in question evidently not realizing that that "deleted" post still lives, and will live in perpetuity, in Google Reader because GR is a bastard that never lets go of your mistakes? - and then like two weeks later he still hasn't written the promised follow-up post.

And Stuart Smalley's a fraud? Hmmm ... interesting ...