04 December 2008

Condiments, Randumbery, and the occasional stray bullet.

Hello there. I'm not really inspired to post in a coherent manner or about any single particular post, so consider this my bulleted-condiment-randumbery post:

  1. Kiel, WI is getting snowed on. Big time. And I think the management department of Kiel, WI is afraid of running out of road salt. The streets of metro Kiel (okay, "metro" is a huuuuge stretch)--The streets of not-narrow-county-roads-designed-for-tractors Kiel is a huge skating rink. NOT a good thing when you drive a 1993 Pontiac M1-A1 Tank Bonneville with 195,000 miles on it. Good thing I'm bigger (when in my car--otherwise I'm not all that big) than most other cars, save the tractors.
  2. Above-mentioned snow makes running a bit difficult. Not for me--for Parsenn. He doesn't care for the cold icy sidewalks. I'm a bit disappointed in his bare-pawed wussiness.
  3. I've got nothing to really train for now. It seems my weekly mileage line graph is doing its best imitation of WalMart stock after Marcy's anti-endorsement of their shopping experience --down down down (never doubt the Power of Marcy and her stalkership!).
  4. Speaking of #3, the rest of my year in terms of running consists of running my version of the 50/50/50 at the end of the year. I'm running 28 miles to celebrate my 28th birthday on December 28. Technically my B-day is December 30th, but that's a work day, so I'm moving it up a bit. Last year's 27/27 was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping for the same "fun" this year. So far, Wisconsin weather is cooperating! I'm still accepting offers for a book deal about "Things I learned while running 28 miles on my 28th birthday on December 28th."
  5. I'm really loving work right now. It's fun to go to a job that you feel like you were meant to do. Life is good in that department, and there will be more on that topic in the coming months, so stay tuned (as if you have anything better to do).
  6. My next marathon is on January 17--and it'll be interesting!
  7. Next year's goals are starting to take form. I want to get under 3 hours in the marathon at some point, and I want to run more on trails. I'm really looking forward to two specific events and hope the scheduling works out. Because of work, Boston is on the docket for 2010. This spring will be a little crazy so I decided to hold off my Left turn on Boylston for another year. Plus, that gives several other runners time to make it there with me.
  8. I'm really excited to find out what happens in San Francisco this weekend at the North Face Endurance Challenge Championships. $10,000 goes to the winner, and the field is stacked!


Marcy said...

You're going to be 28?!? I thought you were younger than that for some reason (25-26) Not saying that you aren't a youngin already LOL

LMAO listen to me. I'm 29. Gawd I feel like a Grandma.

Anyway dude I do NOT envy you. That much snow already?! GAH!

Razz said...

1) I stumbled upon your blog because the title of it alone made me laugh out loud.

2) It's a great blog.

3) I love bullet points. I, too, thrive on not being able to complete a fluid, coherent post.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

In keeping w/ what you and RazZ done did:

1. Geez, Nic, when did you actually upload this post? Because it claims a birthdate of 11/27/08 and I KNOW that ain't right.

2. But thing is, I keep track of the blogs I read based on their date order on MY blog. And I nearly missed your NEW post because it claimed to be a week old and went to the bottom of the list. Luckily, I saw it had a new title.

3. One of us needs to change his habits, and, as the elder statesman here, I think it should be YOU. We old foax don't adapt well.

4. My dog is a bigger wussy than yours.

5. In May, I'll be 49. And if you think I'm running 49 miles on my birthday, well, YOU got another think coming.

6. It's May 15, in case YOU want to run 49 miles on the day.

7. That's a Friday, so if you opt to do the 49 on Saturday the 16th, I'll grudgingly accept that.

8. Next time, could you put a little bit of space (room for the Holy Spirit, as the nuns used to say) between the the link to me and the link to Nitmos? The way you have it now, people will think we're gay for each other.

9. Which we are but we're not ready to come out yet.

10. Finally, why does the word verification graphic at your site NEVER load the first time? (My comment is longer than your post. That's what you get for ... something or other.)

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

O, yeah:

11. Happy birthday

Aron said...

maybe you should get parsean some snow boots - my friend had some for her dog :)

ohhh 2009 should be a fun year!!

B. Kramer said...

An in-door marathon. Ick. That induces my gag face.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

12. Well I see you fixed item 1, above. Sort of. But now it looks as tho Marcy commented 13 hours before you wrote this post.

13. Way to screw up the spacetime continuum, man.

14. But then again, if anyone could pull that off, it'd be Marcy.

15. Thanks for doing my bidding.

16. In the future, I will post the names of targets for termination here and you will have 24 hours to complete your mission.

17. I will make every effort to have the terminations scheduled for weekends. I'm not a monster.

Jess said...

I'm glad I don't have to run in snow. Or on ice. Heh!

David said...

Run out of salt? Dude, that's just nutz! I'm looking at a start temp of 43, and finish temp of around 50 on Saturday. I guess I can't whine too much, huh?

Nitmos said...

Well Happy Birthday.

My first car was my parents old Mercury Zephyr which was the lame version of the already lame Ford Fairlane. Also, it didn't have power steering. And you had to put your foot out and rock it to get it out of gear if you were on any kind of incline. Yes, it was a regular chick magnet.

NF Endurance Team said...
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NF Endurance Team said...

Edit: The team is doing this Antarctica Marathon in 2010. (I had no idea there were two!) http://antarcticamarathon.com/