14 September 2008

Lewis & Clark "Fun Run"

Tropical Storm Ike made its way through St. Louis on early Sunday morning. Despite this, I was there, at the start line, wearing a total of 4 garbage bags (one around my waist, one around my torso, and one over each foot, ready to roll. It was crazy out there!
At mile 10 they cut the race off. I ran an extra 3 miles to get back to the hotel so that I can actually keep the "Half Marathon" medal they provided at the "finish."

Ah well, such is life. I got to run and share some comraderie with fellow running fools, and considering what Ike has done to other parts of the country, getting a marathon cut short is no big deal. Report to follow.


Marcy said...

Awwwhhh dude what a bummer. Look at you doing the extra 3 ;-)

I'm sorry homie, I wouldn't had been able to give you the hookups on those bands. If you had said Milli Vanilli maybe I could've helped you :P

chia said...

What's with the fair weather running events lately?!? Seriously, the likelihood of bad sky-inflicted-badness happening is so slim to nil.... UGH.

Good on you for battling it out... sorry they pussed out on you early :-(

Jess said...

That sucks that the storm interfered, but you have a great attitude about it!

Nitmos said...

"Fun Run" sure has become a euphemism these days since Chicago '07.

Beer and dirty magazines? You sure were partying like a rock star though.