11 November 2014

Off-Season Update

I ran 50 miles on October 12th.  Today, almost 1 month later, I've run a total of 23 miles.  This is by design, as I want to acknowledge my body's lack of desire to put in daily miles, and I want to stay a 'well-rounded' athlete by doing other stuff.  I am playing basketball 2-3 times a week, will even get in some CrossFit-type classes (high impact Kickboxing at Final Option in Plymouth), and will spend time outside in the woods hiking around.

I'm up 6 pounds.  Last May, when running Ice Age (terribly), I was 12 pounds heavier than I was at Glacial.  I'd like to keep most of that weight off this year...but 6 pounds already, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet?  Oyyy veh

Packers vs Panthers.  A blowout
Hill Repeats (3 of them!) with Estelle at Nutt Hill
Parnell Tower Fun
Packers vs Bears.  Another Blowout, and the most fun I've ever had at a Packer game.
Thank You Veterans.

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