07 February 2011

13 Weeks to Ice Age

Goals this week were:

1. 8 hours of Aerobic Base Building
2. A long run of 2.5 hours

Well, if you add in the total of 3 hours I've spent shoveling and snowblowing this week, I'm well past 8 hours. We received about a foot (who knows how much...with all the winds it's tough to tell) of snow along with 40-50 mph winds. That weather took care of any thoughts of running on Tuesday night, as well as Wednesday morning, so chalk those 3 hours up to 'cross training.' Still, I was able to run Monday night, Wednesday night, and Thursday morning. Thursday included a FC (F&^%ing Cold) run outside, followed by some work on my Hill Mill (my treadmill that I've raised up on blocks to increase the incline).
Friday was my second day off, and Saturday I worked through 18 road (roadish miles--we've got a ton of crap on my roads) miles at a decent pace and HR. I averaged 7:38 miles overall, but had a ton of energy in the final couple miles. I am thinking, with this effort, that sub-3 could be back on the table.
Sunday I put in a solid hour of MAF work on sloppy trails. This ended my week as follows:
7 hours, 45 miles. I'll take it.
Next week, 8 hours, 50 miles. At that point I'll be happy with my base, and ready to start increasing the leg speed.
Oh yeah...GO PACK GO!!!!
Man, I can't even imagine how much it would suck to be a fan of a terrible team. My condolences.


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Congrats to the Packers. I didn't really care who won, I just wanted a good game. And it was that.

Good luck pursuing the sub-3 marathon.

Carolina John said...

18 roadish miles is pretty strong for ice age to still be 13 weeks out Nic.

The packers did great last night.

nwgdc said...

G- Thanks!

CJ- Yes, it's early...but while my sights are more set on the Ice Age 50K, I'm using a marathon training plan for STL, which included an 18 miler this week. I plan on modifying the t


...and that's Edwin typing...

I plan on modifying the taper for STL and then adding in one more long run before Ice Age. Because of this approach, 18 was in the cards.