15 February 2011

12 Weeks to IAT50k

8.5 Months, and looking forward to getting stroller rides.

Goals for this past week were 8 hours and 50 miles.

I managed 6.5 hours and 43 miles on 5 days. I've continued the MAF approach and have kept every run under 150 AvgHR. We had some brutal weather in the middle of the week, and that was followed by temps in the 30's and 40's the last couple days. Unfortunately, it's only the middle of February, so I'm guessing we've got more sub-zero temps and snow headed back our way.

The more I read about MAF, the more I seem to find that doing it for only a month (as I have) isn't nearly as effective as 3 months. I guess I don't have a big problem with continuing with the MAF approach, as the current conditions don't make it easy to run fast, anyway.

I really can't wait for the snow to melt and get some trail running done in preparations for Ice Age, as well as more opportunities to get Edwin out on some runs. He and Ellie enjoyed a 35 minute walk yesterday--taking advantage of this February thaw while we can!

Goals for this upcoming week? 7 hours, 45 miles.


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Kid's lookin' a bit paunchy there - perhaps it's time he started pushing the stroller a bit? If you keep giving him a life of privilege and ease, he may grow up to be a liberal.

You have been warned.

SteveQ said...

G's wrong - the kid's already starting to resemble Chris Christie. He even has his mouth open, saying nothing.