05 July 2010

It's Good to be Back!

See the Whitetail?

Finally, a decent schedule is emerging from my new responsibilities. I'm easing back into running and feeling few side effects in my feet. Thursday was exactly 5 weeks since I ran longer than one hour, and I felt great! I put some time in on the Glacial Trail course and found it to be very overgrown in the prarie sections. Luckily I had generously applied OFF! and found no evidence of ticks after running through it. Letting the tips of the grasses hit my palms reminded me of the closing scene of Gladiator, with several obvious exceptions regarding myself and Russell Crowe :)

My "Gladiator" Moment

Then, on Saturday, while I wanted to run LONG again on the trails, I took a more prudent approach to my return and did a nice tempo 8 miler on the trail.

Yesterday, in another amazing feat of discipline, I didn't run but instead biked for 1:30. That was followed with some yard games and pool time to celebrate the wonderful weather and country we live in!

This morning the plan was to get in about 8 miles on the trails...but last night was a bit late with Edwin, so instead, I'm writing about my training last week. And as of about a minute ago, I can hear the little guy waking up...so I better wrap this up and go get him before he wakes Mumma!

One Month

"Look! A dinosaur! Oh, nope. Just Parsenn."

Chilaxin' with Dad.

Edwin's First Swim! (Perfectly framed to keep the bits and pieces out of the picture :)


SteveQ said...


How can he be a month old already???

I'm thinking you'll break 3 in the marathon LONG before I ever do (again).

Anonymous said...

Great to have you back!

Matthew Patten said...

You are supposed to celebrate the 4th by blowing things up, not swimming.

You must be a commie

Carolina John said...

hey hey that's fantastic nic! The first month flies by because you are totally sleep deprived right? You have a completely adorable family there brother. and the beard suits you! (that's not a reference to ellie)

THis time of year the trails are the best way to beat the heat.

nwgdc said...

SQ--I sure hope to break 3 this fall. It's 99% of the drive to continue running on roads.
FF--Not quite 'back' yet, but on my way!
Pat Matten--Commie? Huh? Trust me, we destroyed PLENTY this weekend. Keep in mind that only 2 years ago my entire family received handguns for Christmas. I proudly own a CZ-40.
CJ--I remember you commenting that I should not plan on sleeping for about 6 months. I didn't think that was accurate. It was.
Still, I'm getting used to less sleep and enjoying each moment!

Helen said...

welcome back. though I can't really welcome you "back" since I am not running myself these days... one more week!

great pics - the little guy is growing fast!

carpeviam said...

Nice crop on that final pic. ;)

joyRuN said...

Keep the shirt off, warlock, because that outfit on the 2nd-to-last pic? What ARE you wearing? ;)

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

I disagree with soyGuM - I think that shirt you're rocking in that there penultimate picture is FUNK-KAY! Groovy, too! Did you play keyboards or bass in that wedding band the previous night? Learn "Hava Nagila" and you can do Jewish weddings, too! Or are both of the Jews in your part of Wisconsin already married?

boyBuM just wants you shirtless she can put Fauxlipina Bucks in your g-string, which is code and it's even dirtier than it sounds.

Edwin is still very cute, though! He's shirtless too in that last pic and he's looking pretty ripped.

Is he juicing?