22 April 2010

4 weeks

4 weeks until my baby's due date. Things have gone well, with the exception of baby staying breech. On Monday Ellie will have the 'version' technique done, hoping to get the baby vertex (head down). In my opinion, this baby is definitely a girl. She takes after her mother in terms of stubbornness.
It's not fun to think about, but at the same time, there's not much else we could have done to prevent the breech position. Here's to hoping and praying all goes well, and the baby stays head down.

4 weeks since my last decent run, too. I ran tonight, covering the first 5 ish miles of the Glacial Trail 50 course. I had a head full of junk, but trail running works wonders on stuff like that...especially when your foot doesn't object in any way. It felt like utopia to hop over rocks and roots, and while my heart was thumping, it felt so good to be back! Still, I'm going to Ice Age to crew, and will continue to build slowly back to a decent running base.

In 4 weeks I'll be a daddy (probably) and also have a decent base developed to really start training for Glacial Trail. THAT'S my focus for the fall in terms of running. I want to kill it at that race.

Providing spousal and baby approval, of course!


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

I was born in May. I was also a breech. (Ass first, in fact. And I'm talking an Irish ass, so there was nothing for the doctor to grab on to!)) I think this baby will be a little early because she definitely sounds like she wants to be born under the sign of Taurus, the stubborn bull, not Gemini, because Geminis are lame and tend to become chiropractors.

Matthew Patten said...

Looking forward to seeing you at the IA aid stations..... at the wrong times.

I assume you will be at why 12 on the back while I am doing the out.

Do you have a video camera. I think you should document it.

Rachel said...

Nothing like a good run to clear the head! Wishing for the best of deliveries for you new one!

Unknown said...

Like GQH, I was also breech. We both turned out perfectly normal, so I think you have nothing to worry about

SteveQ said...

Haven't suggested baby names for a while. If it's a boy, how about Tyvek, Kevlar or Obi Wan?

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

And if it's a girl, how about "Oviduct", "Ponygirl" or "Ymplantz"?

Helen said...

I must be a very late Taurean then...

Does Matt want you to video-document IAT or the other big event coming up???

Glad to hear you are back on the trail. Sounds like a good plan for the fall focus.

websites directory said...

Thank you very much