23 August 2009

63 miles?!

Wow...I had no idea that my weekly mileage total was that high--an all-time high for me. The workload and types of runs, however, make it feel like a lot more. On Thursday I ran the local ski hill and my legs are still really sore from that--especially the soleus muscle portion of my calves. They're very stiff and aching, and I even felt a slight twinge in my left plantar fascia yesterday, making me even more aware of how much those hill repeats took out of me...and how much I suck at running hills apparently.
Yesterday I set out for a road 20 miles (I can't remember the last time I ran 20 miles on roads other than during a marathon). It felt great and the pace and HR were right in line, with the exception of two mile splits that were interrupted by unleashed, uncollarred (sp?) dogs coming after me. The first was a black lab that would run away if I faced it, but would begin following and barking at me if I continued to run. Finally, after about 2 minutes of me standing there, the owners got it back under control (PUT A COLLAR ON YOUR DOG) and off I went again. A couple miles later my "interaction" was with a German Shepherd. Definitely a bit scarier...especially when it jumped over the chicken wire fencing holding it in and started toward me. Luckily a truck was coming down the road at the same time, so I waved it down and hopped in the back and got a ride away. It'd be an understatement to say that dog scared me. A black lab I can handle. An uncollarred and barking German Shepherd able to hop the fence that is supposed to keep it in the yard will scratch that particular road off of the "Places to Run" list permanently. As I mentioned, outside of those two miles I ran the entire run at 6:52 pace or better...a big boost in confidence as I continue to work towards a sub-3 marathon at Fox Cities in a month.
This week, however, it's back to the trails. I feel like my calves are on the edge of going from "hurting" to "injured" and they need some friendly single track again.


Brad Poppele said...

Nice Blog! Also nice 20 mile run. If you can do that in training then I don't see why you wont run sub 3 at Fox Cities. Good Luck!!!

Grellan said...

Looking good! sub-6:52 pace over 18 miles should give you a great confidence boost. I assume the other 2 miles were faster again - what speed did the truck get up to?

Carolina John said...

hooo! wow that's a lot of miles. and german shepards scare the piss out of everybody, myself included. def cut out that road.

Ace said...

wowsa, 20 at 6:52 is smokin'!

Can't agree with you more on the single track > roads. I would be happy never to run on roads again...

joyRuN said...

I've rerouted many runs to avoid daggone dogs that just want to chase me!

Take care of those calves.