06 February 2017


102 Days to Superior at the moment.  That will be a great trip, and I'm excited to see that course.  Other races on the agenda include...

April 29: Chippewa 50k.  This was my first ultra, way back in 2009.  Looking forward to returning...and I'd love to break 4 hours.

May 20: Superior 50k.

June 3: Kettle 50k.  Again...Sub 4 would be awesome.

July 8: Devil's Lake 50k.  (probably)

July 26-30: Colorado Adventure!

August 19: Marquette 50k.

September 16: Lapham Peak 26.2.  (need to go back there and set the record straight after that DNF!)

September 30: Driftless 50k.  I was signed up this year, but flooding caused the race to be cancelled.  Going back this year I hope!

October 8: Glacial Trail 50k.  I'm hoping to use this as one final 'tune up' and hard effort before...

October 21: Duluth 50k.  I hope to go back and try that one again.

We shall see if I can do all of this ...  "Want to make God laugh?  Tell him your plans!"

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