05 June 2010

Back to running, 18 weeks to Glacial Trail

With a Euro Mullet like that, I guess Eddy is pulling for C. Ronaldo to lead Portugal to victory in the World Cup.

Well, I've officially survived the first week of fatherhood and have learned several things.

  1. I'm very good at removing snot with a turkey baster type thing.

  2. I'm not very good at getting those darn onesies over Eddy's head.

  3. I'm average at diaper changing.

Last week was the first 'zero week' in terms of mileage I've had in 2010. I had a couple temptations to sneak out for a run but passed them up. So, today, after walking around with the boy in the early morning I headed out with the best intentions of running about 17 miles of the Glacial Trail course. I made it 14 miles, about 1:50 running time, before finding myself out of water, gels, and much 'hop' in my legs. My right plantar fascia was starting to feel it too, so I took a shortcut along a road to get back to my car, finishing in 2:01 and about 16 miles.
Eddy sleeps like a college kid, so I made it back home by 11:30 am and he was still asleep. I'm thinking the mornings will be my time, and I'll make the most of them!


SteveQ said...

I was stuck at the auto repair shop, so I was reading Sports Illustrated for the first time in years and there was something there that made me laugh and fits in with your post. (Paraphrasing) "One of the last signs of the US being a superpower is fading, now that Americans are starting to notice the World Cup. We used to be cool enough to dismiss it as a bunch of eurotrash in 1980's haircuts running in circles for three hours, stopping occasionally to grap their shins."

Eddy'll be a midfielder for sure.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

So when do you get the off-road jogging stroller?

Ace said...

Sweet family pics. Grats again. There are so many things you can do with those turkey basters....

C said...

Best. Baby Mullet. Ever.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Yep, early morning is the time to get those runs in. The rest of your days and nights will be full.

I always assumed that the reason you keep your own head buzzed is that, if your hair were allowed to grow, it would naturally take the shape of a mullet.

I know intuitively that this is true.

Looks like poor Eddy got the Mullet gene. It is dominant.

B. Kramer said...

Wow, kid's got more hair than you! Congrats on surviving Week 1. Cheers!

Oh, nice run too.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Also ... if you're gonna upload pix of yourself that expand to like 10,000 pixels when clicked on, KEEP YOU KNEES TOGETHER YOU WHOO-WER!1!

Who do you think you are? Sharon Stone?

SteveQ said...

Just noticed that vine's creeping up your...

I'm leaning toward the Mankato MN marathon, but I hear good things about Whistlestop. I'd pace you, but do you really want to go through the half in 1:14?

Helen said...


Nice run after a week off and a new baby!

SteveQ said...

Before I forget... infants have some cool reflexes that disappear fast. My favorite: stroke the bottom of Ed-bug's foot and his toes will spread. Try it!

nwgdc said...

Babinsky, of course! I like Hoffmann, Moro, and Tonic Neck are also fun!

SteveQ said...

Babinsky, Hoffmann and Toro are my legal team. (Couldn't find a guy named Tonic Neck).