Last year Ellie came up close and personal, and eventually through the wall known as Grandma. This year dear old Grandma allowed Ellie to finish the Half Marathon in 2:05 and with a huge smile on her face (and a beer in her hand before 10 AM) and decided to beat me down with her walker. It sucked.
The short story is that I tend to have one decided goal for a race and no back-up plan. When my goal of a sub-3 marathon on Saturday fell apart around mile 14 due to the heat, I had nothing else to run for. This led me to end up more disappointed in myself than I've ever been before. I totally mentally checked out on this event, and despite the fact that I had so much support out there (more on that later), I mentally quit, and I hate that. Physically, I finished. I have the finisher's tshirt and the medal, but mentally, I didn't participate past mile 14. And that sucks.
Grandma's marathon is a TOP NOTCH event. Every aspect of the event was a breeze...from the expo to the bus to the start line. I enjoyed every minute of it, and as I left the school bus that took me to Two Harbors on Saturday morning at about 6:40 AM, I was pumped. It was gonna be a good day.
I relaxed at the start line, dropped off my warm-up clothes, and waited in line for one more potty break. After that it was off to the start area, where I made my way up to the 3:00 area. On my way I paused for the national anthem, then a jet fighter fly over with "Danger Zone" (from Top Gun) blasting in the background. I vocally cheered and had goosebumps, despite the mounting humidity. What a great event!
As soon as I reached the 3:00 area, Helen came over to say hello. (I apologize to her for already smelling. I noticed about 5 minutes later that I was already sweating) It was great to see her again, and I was beaming with confidence at that point that my sub-3 goal would be reached, despite her warning's of "It's hot and it's early." I was sure I would be waiting for Helen to arrive at the finish line, just like at the Chippewa 50K. Unfortunately (for me) she greeted me at the finish of Grandma's. And now I owe an Irish woman beer. Not good.
Soon enough Adam came over to say hello, noting it was easy to find me in my NF running shirt. Adam quickly took me under his wing and introduced me to several runners also aiming for a sub-3. These guys looked like real runners, and I was excited to be a part of such a fun group. (To my knowledge, only John Maas actually crossed under 3 hours.) Kurt was especially helpful and it was amazing to hear him know every damn runner at Grandma's!)
Soon enough the horn sounded and we were off. It felt SO GOOD to finally be running this event that I had planned for so long! The first mile went by easy at 6:59. I wanted to average 6:50's for the first 20 miles and hopefully be able to finish in 6:40's in the home stretch. The first 4 miles went by like clockwork, with me tucked in with my sub-3 friends, clicking off 6:48's right behind Kurt.
At mile 5, I was talking to Adam as we approached my family. I knew my parents and sister/brother-in-law would be at mile 5 (they had called earlier that morning asking what I would need at that point in course, hoping to offer any assistance at all). At about mile 4.75 I could see the "NF MARATHON TEAM" flag flying back and forth and I began to wave. Adam, who had met my parents at Chippewa, mentioned how great it was to have the support I did. I completely agree and was reminded again to thank God for the support. As I passed them I mentioned it was a "wee bit hotter" than I'd like, but I was smiling nonetheless. My target Heart Rate is always under 160 beats per minute, and through 5 miles I was right around 163. I figured this was okay. Oops.
I next saw my parents at mile 7, and by then the pace group I was with had fallen apart completely. Adam was still around, as was John Maas, but Kurt was far ahead, along with a Wartburg College runner, and Adam's friend Tom had already begun to fall back. Tom ended up in a medical tent with an IV, but recovered enough to put down a couple beers later that afternoon. I call that day a push :) I passed the Wartburg runner at about Mile 25, and he looked about as terrible as I did and didn't respond to any encouragement (not that I could muster much).
As I passed my family at Mile 10, my mom informed me that Ellie and my bro-in-law Doug's girlfriend Kelly had finished the half marathon with huge smiles in 2:05. This brought a HUGE smile to my face, as Ellie was nervous about her training, and Kelly had never run further than a 10K. All was well with them!
I told my family that I was doubting that sub-3 was going to happen, but that I was keeping the pace thus far. My Heart Rate was now averaging in the high 160's per mile. Not good.
I came through the half way point in 1:30 and change. The "and change" part is what did me in. I knew I wasn't going to negative split on a day like that, so I pretty much mentally gave up. Not long after the half way point, Adam told me that he figured one would need to be in 2:50 shape to run sub-3. Not a good boost to my goals. Very soon after that, he told me he was dropping back. Very bad for my goals :)
Miles 14 and 15 went okay. My heart rate was now over 170 and I was sweating like crazy. I was trying to take in the SCaps I had along with the sugars, but there simply aren't that many water stops in the first half of the course, and I was already wayyyy behind on fluids. I ran miles 14 and 15 in the 6:40 area (what the F was I thinking??) and eventually reeled back in Kurt. Being an idiot, I just kept going, right past him and continued on my own, seemingly hurrying up into my own demise.
Mile 16 is when it really hit. I fell apart. I called Ellie and told her I was slowing down. I started walking through the aid stations, keeping an eye on my HR. I figured if I could get it back down under 160 I could bring it in. Unforturnately the only way to get my heart rate anywhere under 165 was to flat out WALK. Being an idiot, I continued to run, albeit slowly, and really started to check out mentally. I've never been closer to a DNF--to quitting--than I was in this race at this point.
Luckily, at that exact moment, I heard "Brett Favre wouldn't be walking." I was surprised this topic hadn't been brought up more from the MN natives. Adam had announced his presence with this joke and was closing in from behind me and his smile helped me keep going. Soon enough we saw my parents again at mile 17...and I'll be honest--if Adam wasn't running with me at that point, I feel like I would have told them I'm done. Take me to the finish line, my wife, and the beer.
As I passed them, I told them I couldn't stop. If I did, I'd probably quit, and I couldn't quit in front of Adam. I already taken enough grief from Patten...and a DNF would make the time from now 'till next year's Chippewa unbearable.
Not long after mile 18 the wheels continued to come off. Adam motored on and I slumped into more and more self-pity. Right around Mile 20 I actually stopped and took a potty break. Big mistake. This simply added some groin chafing to the serious damage that the aid station self-sponge-showers were doing to my nipples. From mile 21 to Mile 26 I carried my NF jersey and HR strap in my hand to aid the bleeding going on from my nips. Can't wait for the race pictures to become available...should be a real treat. I've never been so close to floating the 'bird' over at a camera before. Man, I was in rough shape.
I have to interject that the crowd at Grandma's is UNBELIEVABLE. As you've probably become aware of, I was done. I was cussing every human being's existence at this point. If I didn't KNOW that a drop of alcohol would make me vomit, I would have joined in the course-side keg stands taking place at mile 22. There were more unbelievable cheering sections, garden hoses, and bands than I can list. Truly an amazing event.
The final part of the course makes its way straight through downtown Duluth, along Superior street. At this part of the course, Kurt caught me once again, during one of my many walk breaks. His enthusiasm really picked me up physically, but mentally I was gone. I ran with him for a while, absorbing every ounce of motivation he was providing. What a great guy...yet, as much as it sucks to admit, I quit one more time and started walking. Just about that time Helen came by. I yelled "Helen!" as she passed, and she muttered a sentence which I didn't catch...outside of the F bomb she dropped in the middle of it :)
Helen and Kurt continued on and I continued to get pissed at myself :)
Finally I made the turn off of Superior and into the final 1.5 miles of the course. I'll be honest...I don't remember much. At mile 26 Ellie and Kelly were waiting for me. They didn't even see me until I had already run past them. Ellie later shared that she was looking for my yellow shirt (which was in my hand) and looking for my personal running gait (which was also, apparently, non-existent). She cheered like crazy after I was about 10 yards past her, and I stopped, handed her my shirt and HR strap, gave her a look which I'm sure spoke volumes about my current mental status, and continued shuffling along. Immediately after Kelly asked Ellie if I was going to be in a completely horrible mood the rest of the weekend. Ellie answered, "I don't think so. But be sure to get him a couple beers." Damn, I love that woman :)
I eventually crossed in 3:21 and change, stopping my run ASAP upon hearing the first beep from my timing chip. I'm not sure how she made it there so quickly (or was I THAT SLOW?), but Ellie was waiting for me at the finish with a huge smile and open arms . I gave her A HUGE hug and would have probably cried had I not been SO DAMN HOT at the moment. She told me she was very proud of me and that she was expecting a 3:40 time based on how miserable I sounded over the phone.
Not long after finishing Helen came over to say congrats. She looked remarkably well recovered from her 3:17 (I think that's what she finished in) and I hate her for that. While I caught her at the end of the Chippewa 50K and finished one spot ahead, she returned the favor at Grandma's. What's your race schedule look like in the fall, Helen? :)
I also got to introduce Ellie to Adam, who was sitting on a curb in the shade, and Kurt, who was still walking around, seemingly checking on everyone else. They all came through ahead of me, but I was thankful for them, as I would've still been out there (or worse yet, in a car after quitting) if they hadn't been running.
After the run, I simply couldn't cool down. I really, really enjoy beer post-marathon, but that was NOT an option. Instead I was pouring water bottles down my legs trying to cool them off. I was not in good shape. Adam mentioned a dip in Lake Superior, which I really should have done in hindsight. Lake Superior was 180 degrees and probably a 1/4 mile from our hotel room unfortunately, so I skipped it in favor of a cold shower.
I eventually recovered enough to understand a story my dad told me about meeting another spectator who knew of an NF Endurance Team runner who was also a Chiropractor and would be wearing Plaid shorts during the run. My dad was familiar with the NF and Chiropractor stuff but (not a frequent visitor of this website :) ) knew nothing about the plaid shorts.
The plaid shorts didn't make an appearance, but I hope Glaven will be content with the shirt I wore the rest of the day Saturday (I wasn't in the mood for the "Grandma's Finisher" shirt handed out upon completion), which not only sports a bull, but also a prominent N#TS@CK :)
Duluth is absolutely gorgeous and I'm not sure how I can pass up Grandma's next year. I mean, it can't be this hot this many years in a row...right?
It's gonna take me a couple days to completely digest this sucktastic run...but in the meantime I can't complain. It's an amazing weekend, I saw some great people...and...
Yes it will!!! Don't beat yourself up too bad about the mental check-out. You had a goal that was acheiveable under better conditions and sometimes you just have to go for it no matter what. Beyond your comfort zone - that's where life is lived.
So... Las Vegas in Dec - you in??!!
Though I expect my beer LONG before that :)
You did a great job in crappy circumstances. Don't be so hard on yourself. You made it to the end and you didn't die. Those are two very big WINS.
Your sub-3 hour marathon will happen. I have no doubt about that.
Congrats to both you and Ellie.
SBJ, Nic, what an exciting report.
I will merely note some salient difference between you and me that this post helped elucidate:
1) If I ran a 3:21 marathon, I'd cash in my retirement to hire a publicist to get the news on all 4 major networks plus ESPN and CNN and, what the Hell, Nickelodeon, because kids need a role model like this hypothetical me - so it's for the kids.
2) I could never run a 3:21 marry.
3) I would never run a mararthon.
I am amazed that you could run such a fast pace under the circumstances: heat; humidity; rapid heart rate; AND you had contemplated a DNF at least 3 times!
Yet you still pulled out a 3:21 time?
That, in its own way, is an even MORE compelling story than if you'd got the sub-3 under favorable conditions.
Shows you have heart.
I like that it all comes back to Ellie and your family and even in the midst of what you consider a major disappointment, you know what really matters.
I also know that the sub-3 will happen. A mere, what?, 4 years ago you were running 5+ hour marathons? If anything is inevitable, I'd say that sub-3 is and it'll probably happen soon.
But I still think you should see this performance at Grandma's as a positive light because it's a story of heart and perseverance.
I think I finally understand why Teh Marcy lurves you more than she does me!
Congratulations, Nic! As Teh 'Dad would say: Proud at ya!
dude that sounds tough. The dehydration will get you every time, you better watch that stuff. you'll get your sub-3, but the conditions need to be right. So I wouldn't call this one a fail. You just have to keep your head in the game. plenty more chances later on.
btw, as glaven mentioned, your 5:17 first marathon gives me hope of getting faster after my 5:07 first mary. stick with the plan and you'll get what you want, and inspire others to get what they want too. and that's more fun than any individual accomplishment.
Not only can I sympathize, I can empathize with your feelings.
Too many non runners would read this and think "why can't he just be happy with a 3:21?.... not many people in this world can do that."
What they don't understand is the amount of hard work, dedication, raising the bar, focus, pain in training, sacrifice, etc.
You put it on the table, and put everything into it, and it sucks when it falls apart like that. Been there.... done that...... a few times :)
You still have my marathon PR cooked, so I can only give you grief about your plaid pants and your sweet car.
I will never forget my last Grandma's disaster. At mile 20 I was walking. A lady came out on the course and said "great job, all of that training is paying off" I almost said "what on earth are you talking about? I am 1/2 hour off my pace!"
I should have been gracious for her encouragement.
I like the fact that you still went for the sub 3. That takes guts, with or without the Hammer Pants.
If you are going to battle Helen in the Fall, you better get on your trail shoes and start doing hill repeats. I believe she is doing Angeles Crest 100.
You're game for that.
Great run and great report.
There's only one thing you need to learn: when you hit half-way and you're a minute behind, IT'S 1 MINUTE, not the end of the world. One half of one percent. Less time than a potty break. Your brain was looking for an excuse and when one came, you grabbed it. Then you spent half the race thinking how much everything sucked.
It took me a long, long time to learn that you can't let those things get to you.
And I see that once again, miles 14-21 were uphill. No one seems to believe that.
Still, everyone's telling you 3:21 is a great time... and they're right.
Finally home! We both missed our goal times by the same amount of minutes...interesting! I've never run on such a hot day or had a worse day mentally. Man.
I have a pic of you running and your support crew! Is it ok to post them?
This took me back to Chicago '07 and Disney '08. Thanks for that. For some reason, about 2/3 the way through reading your report, my calves cramped?!
At least you still managed to finish in a solid time. Once I mentally checked out, I physically checked out also.
Next time, sub 3!
It was nice to spend some good time together in the beginning, and then a couple miles in the middle when we both wanted to kill ourselves. I remember being really bummed when I saw you up in the distance knowing you were coming back to me. Did the world's greatest support crew get any good pics of us together?
OK first (because my comment is going to be rather long. ie: I'm lazy and will only do one comment on one post) but did you post your last 4 posts all at the same time? Because I'm only getting them all together right now?!? Are you trying to F with me by changing your blog post publishing dates?! :P
Anyway, dude don't even sweat it! You did a killer job Dr Nic! You've had your share of bad marathons before (uuuumm you 'member Chicago?) only to come back and kick A on the next one. You BQ-ed at the marathon after Chi right? (OMG I sound like some sort of freako stalker but I SWEAR it's just because I remember the most random things) Soooo me thinks that the next marathon will def be a sub 3 ;D ;D And CONGRATS to the Dr Mrs also! A fine job for both of you considering the circumstances. Don't be so hard on yourself :-)
Annnndd (as if this was not long enough but I will do my very best to beat G in the length dept. BLOG POST I'm talking :P) I will also take this space to do commentary on your previous post ;-) Awwwhhhh you and the Dr Mrs sound supah cutie. Mr McG and I are the same way. I think being opposites actually helps things a lot. Balances out personalities. Mr McG being the par-tay animal and myself being the responsible and studious one :P. Way to be smooth and blame the Dr Mrs ROFLMAO! Economics Club, Dr Nic? Really?!?
OK so did I beat G? Probably not. Damn!
Now that I look back . . . G's comment is just longer because of all the spaces. I win if we're talking wordage! :P ;-)
Take THAT G!
You have such a great attitude, Nic. Awesome job....this was a finishing race....not a PRing one, and you did it. (not to mention that you did it in a time I would be willing to trade my house for...) Sorry I didn't get to meet you in person. Next time! :)
You did an amazing job for how hot it was. I know you'll get that sub 3 next time around. Love the race report and so glad that you kept on going!
O, SBJ, Teh Marcy! Do you HAVE to be so long-winded! You're sucking all the air out of the blogosphere!1! Reading you comments is like a friggin PUNCH IN TEH FACE!1!
Learn to be restrained in your comments like - WAIT FOR IT!1! - ... lil ole me.
The Day After the Marathon video: add scabs and dirt (which refuses to wash off) and you have my day after 100 Miles.
Sorry that you feel that you didn't do as well as you hoped. It's still quite a hell of an accomplishment in my eyes. The fact that you continued on for an end time that is still damn good is incredible.
A sub-3 will definitely. Throw this race out. Sounds like a rough day, but strong effort in such hot/humid conditions.
man it was great to run with you last saturday. sorry it was not the day you where looking for but that day will come. never give up hope !! hell i have had to learn that a few times in my running life.
Oh man. Talk about craptastic circumstances! You still freaking finished despite all that, which is probably just as big a victory as a sub-3.
Congrats to Ellie also!
Hey Nick...sorry I didn't get to your report 'til today, but your account was a bit heart-wrenching and it took me back to my cramp at Mile 19 of Boston.
Sorry about your race, but you hung in there not to DNF which is impressive in that heat, having checked out after 13. A half-marathon is a LONG way to run when your head is not in it anymore.
And lastly, of course you'll get're just waiting for me to run it first in NYC...
Haha...sorry, just had to throw that in there!
Happy recovery!
Good effort. My first sub 3 hour attempt was at Grandmas in 2007, it was 68 at the start and 90%+ humidity with the black flag in the air!
I finished in 3:33, but ran a sub 3 later that fall in Denver, so you can do it!
Also, congrats on beating the Wart! From a Luther College Alumni!
So you were the other guy that was running with Adam right around mile 4-5?
I did enjoy the time running together there - especially the few seconds of cool Lake Superior breeze we caught.
I remember seeing Kurt and the Wartburg guy pulling ahead also.
Sorry to hear about the tough run. Conditions were brutal.
Good luck on your future sub-3 efforts!
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