24 April 2009

Next Stop: Chippewa!

In one hour the office closes and I'm on my way to Chippewa Falls.

And after checking the weather, I've packed a snorkel.

Hopefully you'll be hearing from me on Saturday from the friendly confines of my house...and not the I.C.U.


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Good luck, Dr. Super Runner!

Diana said...

Best of luck on your run, hope the weather is on your side!

Jess said...

Best of luck! I'd say "stay dry" but that doesn't look possible.

joyRuN said...

Good luck, have fun, don't drown!!

Grellan said...

Enjoy and stay out of ICU.

. said...

I'd take wet and rainy any day over the 80 degree weather the folks running the Country Music Marathon are going to get tomorrow. There's always a brighter side!

Helen said...

Nice race Nic!!! It was great to meet you. And great to see your parents at all the AS. They are a wonderful support crew. Hope you recover well. Next stop Grandma's!

wildknits said...

Glad to be of service at an aid station. Weather was a lot better than hoped for! Nice running temp and not too bad to stand around in ;->

The trail is a beauty - glad I was able to get out on it on Friday for a bit of a preview.