11 November 2008

"I think it's raining..."

I need to get running. Since the Fall 50, I’ve been in a bit of a funk, where I have wonderful aspirations for running and then I decide that the beer in the fridge should probably be ingested before it spoils (hey-it could happen). And then I remember that I haven’t eaten any of the ice cream in the fridge in at least 2 hours, so I better grab a spoonful. Then I notice that there’s a re-run of Seinfeld on. I’ve never been a huge fan of Seinfeld, but I find it occasionally humorous, and although I’ve seen this particular episode 3 times already, perhaps the 4th viewing will be the one that shows me the true comedic brilliance of Larry David. Then, speaking of Larry David, I decide I’ll give Curb Your Enthusiasm a chance via On Demand, although the previous 2 “chances” I’d given the show had me realizing it’s just not my kind of humor. [SIDENOTE: So what IS your kind of humor, you ask? The graphs on this post are my kind of humor.] So I begin to think about what is my kind of humor, and I decide to watch an On Demand episode of Entourage (hey-I’m already at the On Demand menu) and follow it up with an episode of The Office, but I can’t find that on the TV, so I head on over to the computer and watch a webisode. Now that I’m on the computer, I should really get back to my Google Reader file and read some blogs before all my RBF’s disown me…and so it goes…where was I…oh yeah…running.

I found some inspiration to run in several places:

Inspiration #1: If you haven’t read The Laminator’s Post on his NYC Marathon (he ran 3-oh-freaking-TWO!!), go over there and read Part IV—the part about ‘heart.' There are some amazing quotes and some great points from Lam about what happens in the last 6.2 of a marathon. It really does change you permanently.

Inspiration #2: This morning Ellie and I actually made it out of bed and went running. While she tells a much better story than I do, I'll give a brief version, in bullet points:

  • At 5:15 AM my alarm goes off. Snooze.
  • At 5:20 it goes off again. I've been trying to get into morning running, so I decided today was the day, and I got up.
  • Coffee pot on.
  • Teef brushed.
  • Go wake Ellie up (She agreed to try running in the morning with me)
  • Ellie's response (in bed, with earplugs in and her blanket wrapped around her head): "Umm...I...uh...I think it's raining."
  • Raining? Wha?
  • Ellie ended up getting out of bed, we went running, and it was fantastic! We'll see if it happens tomorrow morning...
  • See, I told you I don't tell a very good story. But take my word for it--Ellie is funny when she's tired, sleepy, and in bed. Oh, and it felt great to run.
Inspiration #3: GQH’s ongoing battle with “TheTeh Schmatterhorn” and his recent success. I have to admit, though, in my mind I envision the hill looking like this (complete with roller coaster or this. In actuality, until proven otherwise via photographic (or Garmin) evidence, I will assume it's closer to this. That is the only way I can explain his amazing amounts of posts and comments (a Marcy-like dedication.)

Inspiration #4:
Aron’s easy 17 miler followed by an ice bath. While the 17 miler was impressive, I find much inspiration in someone being able to submerge themselves in ice for any amount of time. Viper has inspired me to submerge my hand in a cooler of ice while searching for a beer every now and then, but other than that, I’ll take the hot tub every time.

So this weekend I’m going to go on a run. It’s a run I was planning on doing last summer on the exact Saturday I realized I had gotten Lyme Disease. It involves my favorite trail. 50 Kilometers of it. I’ll be sure to take some pictures. Other than that, you’ll have to wait for the full report. Now I need to go share my plans with Ellie before she reads it here.