07 August 2008

Mid Week Rundown

Week 2 of actual running has again been positive. I ran 5 miles on Monday with my bro-in-law Doug, who will be running in the Fall 50 on a team with Ellie and my bro- and sis-in-law Curt and Gretchen. Their team name? "50K...wait...50 MILES?!"

I like it, although I also am a big fan of the team "Big Tuna." Last year that same group was named "That's What She Said." There's an award for the first person to name the TV show that this particular team is getting their inspiration from.*

The 5 miler with Doug felt great. I even had some spring in my step going up some of the hills on the way. It may be the first time ever I've really worn Doug out, also. He's one of those real a$$h*1es that is pretty much good at everything--Kayaking, Soccer, Snowboarding, Running, Growing a Beard--and he has always done all this with an effortless Prance--but on Monday he was begging for mercy. And a beer. Personally, it felt great.

I ran with Parsenn on Tuesday and that was just fine, besides when he ran around the opposite side of a mailbox and hung himself temporarily by his own leash, and then tonight I did a hilly 5 miler in a local state park. I ran to the top of Dundee Kame twice and stopped to enjoy the view only long enough to be enveloped by mayflies and mosquitos. They're ridiculous at the moment. This weekend I'm hoping to do my first 20 miler in a while. All systems go so far!

*The "award" is the empty containers which once held my Lyme Disease and Shingles Medications--I have no need for them anymore! Medication not included.
A hint about the TV show: It is the only show (besides "Wipeout") that makes me laugh out loud on a consistent basis.

Please Click the "1 Month 100 Miles" Link on the right and find out what I'm up to this fall!


Rachel said...

Sounds like you've had some great runs! Awesome! Have fun with the 20 miler this weekend!

David said...

Awesome Office reference!

So, I missed how the recovery went. Everything back to normal?

"Hey...big haircut"

Nitmos said...

Of course, The Office. I'm glad David won your Lyme disease though. Did you have a cold recently? Maybe second place can be the used up tissues?

Get crankin'!

Aron said...

completely agree with the laugh out loud - every sing episode has me cracking up. LOVE it!!

awesome job on the running this week and good luck on your 20 miler this weekend!

Jess said...

The Office!

Too bad I wasn't first here. I love the "Big Tuna" reference! I call my husband Big Tuna and he calls me Little Tuna.

Helen said...

Great show - on both sides of the Atlantic!

Great to hear you had a good run. Fall fun ahead...


Grellan said...

Glad to read your training is going well after your recent setbacks. Good luck in the 20 miler. I'll have a Bulmers for you.

Steve Stenzel said...

God, Wipeout makes me laugh like a crazy man too!!